Australia Global Talent Visa

The old Distinguished Talent visa was renamed the Global Talent visa on February 27, 2021, and it now provides a streamlined visa track for highly qualified individuals, as well as those who have earned renown in the arts, sports, research, and academics.

The Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858) is a testament to the country’s commitment to attracting skilled professionals who can contribute significantly to its growth and development. It is intended to attract the best and brightest worldwide talent who wish to work and live permanently in Australia (migrate to Australia).

What Offers Does the Global Talent Visa Carry?

The Global Talent Visa is a permanent visa that offers you the following:

  • Indefinite stay in Australia
  • In Australia, you can work and study.
  • Apply for Medicare (Australia’s national medical care system).
  • Sponsor qualified members of the family for permanent residency
  • Ongoing travel in and out of Australia (may apply for a Resident Return Visa)
  • Apply for Citizenship in Australia
  • Receive some Australian government benefits (with waiting periods)
  • Purchase property in Australia
  • Make the most of your children’s free education.

Options for Global Talent Visas

The Global Talent Subclass 858 Visa has two distinct options:

  1. the Global Talent Independent Program (GTIP) and
  2. the Distinguished Talent Visa.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into them!

The Global Talent Independent Program (GTIP)

The Australian Global Talent Program is a flagship initiative by the Australian government aimed at attracting highly skilled individuals from around the world in key industries to contribute to innovation, research, and economic growth in Australia. The program offers an emigration process for individuals with outstanding achievements, particularly high-earning individuals in future-focused sectors. It focuses on attracting global talent to fill critical skill gaps and enhance Australia’s competitiveness on the international stage. The GTIP operates under the Department of Home Affairs and provides a streamlined pathway for exceptionally talented individuals to obtain permanent residency in Australia.

Here’s how the Australian Global Talent Program works:

  • Targeted Industries: The program is focused on seven key sectors where Australia seeks to harness global expertise: AgTech, Space and Advanced Manufacturing, FinTech, Energy and Mining Technology, MedTech, Cyber Security, and Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science, and ICT.
  • Global Talent Officers: These officers are stationed at various locations around the world, including Australian embassies and consulates. They actively identify and engage with potential candidates who possess exceptional skills and expertise in the targeted industries.
  • Invitation Process: Candidates can be identified through referrals from industry associations, employers, or self-nominations. Global Talent Officers assess the candidate’s credentials, achievements, and the potential contribution they could make to Australia’s economy and innovation landscape.
  • Invitation for Visa Application: If a candidate is deemed to have exceptional skills that align with the targeted industries, they may receive an invitation to apply for a Global Talent Visa (subclass 858 or 124, depending on the circumstances).
  • Visa Application Process: The visa application process is streamlined and tailored to the candidate’s skills and expertise. Applicants are required to demonstrate their exceptional achievements and contributions to their field through evidence such as awards, patents, published research, and industry recognition.
  • Benefits of the Visa: Successful applicants receive a permanent residency visa that allows them and their eligible family members to live, work, and study in Australia. This visa additionally enables you to fill out an application for Australian citizenship.
  • No Age Limit: One notable feature of the program is that there is no age limit for applicants. This is in contrast to many other visa pathways, which often have age restrictions.
  • Processing Time: The Global Talent Visa is typically processed on a priority basis, leading to faster visa outcomes compared to other visa categories.
  • Ongoing Contribution: Once in Australia, visa holders are expected to actively contribute to their respective industries, engage in research and innovation activities, and collaborate with local institutions and businesses to drive economic growth and knowledge exchange.
READ MORE:  Everything you need to Know About the Australia Resident Return Visa

Eligibility Criteria for the Australian Global Talent Independent Program

You must satisfy the following requirements to be eligible for the Global Talent Independent Visa Program:

  • Are well-known in one of the Global Talent Visa fields/industries
  • The one who recommended you must be an Australian; You must be recommended for the Global Talent visa by an Australian citizen or an Australian organization. There is no price associated with the recommendation, and he/she has no ongoing obligations.
  • The one who recommended you should be an expert in your profession in Australia, able to verify that you have a national/international reputation and qualify for a Global Talent visa. It could also be an organization, such as the Australian Computer Society.
  • Ph.D. graduates and qualified Ph.D. students who can demonstrate outstanding potential and global prominence in a target field may be qualified to apply for the GTI Program. Furthermore, PhD students reaching the end of their studies must be able to demonstrate a track record of performance prior to beginning their Ph.D. studies.
  • The Department is also attempting to reach specific student groups with internationally acclaimed and relevant research to those selected businesses, such as those who have just (in the previous three years) earned a Ph.D. or (are near the point of submitting their thesis).
  • The candidate must explain how they may be a valuable contributor to the Australian community.
  • Are able to earn more than the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) in Australia (currently AU$153,600 per year), as evidenced by current salaries, potential employment offers, or recent PhD grads in the intended areas.
READ MORE:  Australia Employer Nomination Scheme visa - Subclass 186

The Australian Distinguished Talent Visas

The Australian Distinguished Talent Visa is a special category of visa designed for individuals who are internationally recognized for their exceptional achievements and contributions in specific fields. This visa provides a pathway for these highly accomplished individuals to live and work in Australia permanently. The Distinguished Talent Visa (subclass 124 and 858) acknowledges the applicant’s exceptional skills, expertise, and reputation, and it allows them to continue their work, research, or creative endeavors in Australia.

Here is a detailed explanation of the Australian Distinguished Talent Visa:

  • Recommendation: The one who recommends you can be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or an Australian organization with a national reputation in the field related to the applicant’s expertise. He/she plays a critical role in supporting the applicant’s visa application by providing information about the applicant’s achievements and their contribution to the field.
  • Application Process: The Distinguished Talent Visa application process involves several steps:
    • Recommendation: The nominator submits a recommendation to the Australian Department of Home Affairs on behalf of the applicant.
    • Expression of Interest (EOI): Once recommended, the applicant submits an Expression of Interest through the Skill Select system. This involves providing information about their achievements and expertise.
    • Invitation: If the Expression of Interest is accepted, the applicant may receive an invitation to apply for the visa.
    • Visa Application: The applicant submits the visa application, including required documents and evidence of their achievements, contributions, and international recognition.
  • Processing Time: The processing time for the Distinguished Talent Visa is generally shorter compared to other visa categories due to the significance of the applicant’s achievements. Processing times, however, may differ with respect to specific circumstances and demands.
  • Benefits of the Visa: Successful applicants are granted a permanent residency visa, which allows them and their eligible family members to live, work, and study in Australia indefinitely. This visa also provides access to Australia’s healthcare and social welfare systems.
  • Obligations: Distinguished Talent Visa holders are expected to continue their exceptional contributions in their field in Australia. While there is no specific obligation to engage in ongoing work, research, or artistic endeavors, the visa encourages recipients to maintain their reputation and contribute positively to Australia’s cultural, scientific, or economic landscape.
  • Age Limit: Unlike many other visa categories, the Distinguished Talent Visa does not have a specific age limit. This recognizes that exceptional achievements can be attained at any stage of an individual’s career.
READ MORE:  Australia Remaining Relative Visas (Subclass 115 & 835)


Eligibility Criteria for the Australian Distinguished Talent Visa

  • Support the Australian community (economically, socially, culturally, or by increasing Australia’s academic, artistic, or sporting reputation globally).
  • Demonstrate the ability to establish yourself in Australia by finding relevant jobs or becoming self-sufficient.
  • Be worldwide known for your achievements in a profession, athletics, the arts, or academia and research.
  • Applicants must be recognized as extraordinary in any country where their field is practiced, with a track record of achievement.

Be recommended by:

  • Australian National
  • Permanent resident of Australia
  • Australian organization with a national reputation in your field that accepts New Zealand citizens
  • Hong Kong passport holders’ visa applications are prioritized (as recently notified by the Department of Home Affairs).

Evidence of Support

The necessary supporting proof of accomplishments in the given industry. For an example:

Athletic Achievements:

  • national and international rankings
  • results in contests or tournaments;
  • statements from global athletic bodies, sporting scholarships received;
  • newspaper/magazine articles.

The Arts & Humanities:

  • Books/articles written;
  • national/international sales reached;
  • awards and incentives earned;
  • booking outcomes, such as attendance scale;
  • expert recognition;
  • declarations from academic bodies, and more.


  • Commissioned reports;
  • books written;
  • publications that appeared in industrial journals;
  • information collected by government, professional, and scientific organizations;
  • Prizes, such as the Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Associations in specific organizations, groups, and so forth
  • Professional titles like Ph.D., Professor, and so on
  • Government grants for the specified study area.

For individuals who have scaled summits of achievement and aspire to leave an indelible mark, this visa offers a canvas to craft a legacy of excellence. As a permanent resident of Australia, each visa holder becomes a part of the nation’s narrative, contributing to its advancement, growth, and transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I apply for the Global Talent Visa on my own?

A: No, you need to be nominated by an eligible organization or individual in Australia before submitting an Expression of Interest.

Q: Is there an age limit for this visa category?

A: No, there is no age limit for the Global Talent Visa.

Q: What is the role of the nominator?

A: The nominator plays a crucial role in identifying and nominating individuals with exceptional talent in their field.

Q: Can I include my family members in the application?

Yes, you can include your dependent family members in your visa application.

By Michael

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